Vintage Sepia Book Pages

I have seen countless uses for old book pages and decided to give it a whirl. I have an old cabinet that I painted white (natch) and filled with all kinds of shabby goodies. However it was still lacking a little va va voom. I thought of painting the back a delicious hue of pink or blue but could not decide, perhaps mirrored ( then I would see the backs of things which I did not want), and finally decided on old book pages. Their warm sepia hued pages were just what I was looking for.

These are 2 shots after I glued the pages up, I did not get a before as it hit me after to get shots for my blog, kudos to all those who have the foresight to get pictures before!

This pic is after I started adding my shabby goodies

This pic is after I added my goodies and I hot glued lace to the shelf edges

A final note to those who use old book pages for projects: Be careful to note what the pages say, for instance I was using old dictionary pages and almost put up a page that would have highlighted the word and definition of rectum. Yes it would have been amusing for all of 30 seconds, then after that not so much. So remember :details , details , details! Happy Crafting!

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